
Logo and Branding Resources

Click to download the appropriate version. Files are uncompressed. By downloading any of the following logos, you agree to maintain the integrity of each and to follow the rules listed.

If you have any questions about the use of our logo, please send an email to

Brand Colors

The WFSU logo(s) can be any of the following colors on top of a white background or a white logo on top of any of the following colors.

CMYK: 10 20 100 0
WEB: #E9C31E
RGB: 233 195 39
PMS: 7715 C
CMYK: 20 75 70 10
WEB: #B8584C
RGB: 184 88 76
PMS: 7523 C
CMYK: 38 87 59 35
WEB: #782F40
RGB: 120 47 64
PMS: 195 C
CMYK: 33 33 33 85
WEB: #312C2C
RGB: 49 44 44
CMYK: 80 0 10 20
WEB: #009BBA
RGB: 0 155 186
PMS: 7703 C
CMYK: 70 5 70 5
WEB: #48A973
RGB: 72 169 115
PMS: 7723 C
CMYK: 65 80 15 40
WEB: #4E3261
RGB: 78 50 90
PMS: 269 C
CMYK: 70 40 100 40
WEB: #405927
RGB: 64 89 39
PMS: 574 C

Education Brand Colors

The WFSU logo(s) can be any of the following colors on top of a white background or a white logo on top of any of the following colors. These colors are approved only for education and kids-based applications.

CMYK: 5 5 90 0
WEB: #F7E03B
PMS: 7404C
CMYK: 3 32 90 0
WEB: #F5B338
PMS: 143C
CMYK: 0 100 15 0
WEB: #E5296B
PMS: 213C
CMYK: 0 89 75 0
WEB: #FB4241
PMS: Warm Red C
CMYK: 40 80 0 0
WEB: #A220DF
PMS: 2582C
CMYK:100 65 0 0
WEB: #2638C4
PMS: 293C
CMYK: 65 2 2 0
PMS: 298C
CMYK: 54 0 28 0
WEB: #2AE8D1
PMS: 333C
CMYK: 83 0 98 0
WEB: #00AB4E
PMS: 2423C
CMYK: 86 24 93 10
WEB: #1A8549
PMS: 7741C
Logo Mark

Please do not use drop shadows, outlines, or any other effects on WFSU's logo.

Dropping "Public Media" from the logo is only approved in certain situations: embroidery applications and when the logo is very small.


Please do not use drop shadows, outlines, or any other effects on the logo.