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Questions about streaming?

If you have general questions about PBS video or streaming on Apple TV, Roku or other [OTT] devices, please review these tips.

Help WFSU Tell Our Community's Story
Seeking News Tips

Do you have an idea for a story you think the WFSU-FM news team should be covering? The WFSU team does in-depth research on stories important to Tallahassee and its surrounding communities. If you would like to share information with us, please send us a message at

Physical and Mailing Address
WFSU Public Media
1600 Red Barber Plaza
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Phone: 850-645-7200
Fax: 850-487-3093
Email: Please send your inquiries to and we will attempt to respond as soon as possible.
Operating Hours

Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm ET, excluding public holidays.

If you have questions or feedback about your membership, pledging, premiums or other membership-related matters, contact Member Services (

You can always donate online anytime at, however if you need to speak with a live person to make your donation, please contact us by phone.

Rather donate by phone?
Dept. Availability Phone number
Contact Membership Anytime for any reason 850-645-6070
Television donation Only available during an active on-air member drive 866-321-9378
Radio donation Only available during an active on-air member drive 850-644-9378
Content and Programming

Any new programming requests for either televsion or radio can be sent to JacqueLynn Hatter (

Radio & FM News
Help WFSU Tell Our Community's Story
Seeking News Tips

Do you have an idea for a story you think the WFSU-FM news team should be covering? The WFSU team does in-depth research on stories important to Tallahassee and its surrounding communities. If you would like to share information with us, please message

For press events, please email or fax your press release to WFSU-FM: or 850-487-3293.


If you have a question about television programming or schedules please send an email to Sarah Schuetz (

Closed Captioning

If you have any questions or encounter issues regarding closed captioning, please send an email to Scott Sarkisian (

Posting a community event online

Local community event information can be posted online free of charge. Please visit: To make edits to events, send a message to the digital team: