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Episode Details: Rick Steves' Europe: Art of the 20th Century

Rick Steves' Europe

Rick Steves' Europe: Art of the 20th Century

Episode #1212

Rick Steves' Europe: Art of the 20th Century
Rick Steves' Europe: Art of the 20th Century episode cover.
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To access full seasons of Rick Steves' Europe, sign-up for a membership for as little as $5 a month.

Summary: Europe's tumultuous 20th century spawned a kaleidoscope of cutting-edge art. From Spain to Hungary, Glasgow to Oslo, we seek out all that's wild, colorful, surreal, and just plain fun. The fascinating work of Pablo Picasso leads us through the century's major art styles. And in today's gleaming cities, we see how a persistent artistic spirit connects us with both our past and an exciting future.

Full Length: 27 minutes

Upcoming Broadcast Times

  • Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7:30 PM ET / 6:30 PM CT on WFSU